

The 蒸汽研究所 is one of the first of its kind in the nation. 以人为本 and project-based, STEAM is an interdisciplinary approach to education, applying various 研究主题、问题或世界性问题的学科. 通过以下途径获得的技能 combining technology, arts, and sciences with business and health studies empower our generation of learners—leaders—in their mission to engineer an improved tomorrow.

A spirit of critical thought, curiosity, and boldness unites the work of the STEAM faculty and students, whether they are probing fundamental questions in their specific disciplines or applying new knowledge to solve the most complex issues of our time.



  • 动画工作室
  • 网络取证实验室
  • 网络范围
  • 设计思维工作室
  • 工程设计实验室
  • 工程设计竞赛套件
  • 电影制片厂
  • 电影剪辑室和设备笼
  • FinTech实验室
  • 地理信息系统实验室
  • 图形 & 说明实验室
  • 沉浸式学习工作室
  • 机器人,无人机和电子动画实验室
  • 学生专业团体 & 行业合作伙伴协作套件


Artificial intelligence is used to manage risks and improve decision-making in business by leveraging advanced algorithms to analyze large data sets and identify patterns, 趋势和潜在风险. 商业和金融专业的学生使用人工智能来提高他们的技能 overall performance by automating complex tasks and predicting changes in the market.




Our artists, engineers, and scientists encourage a richer and more complex conversation about climate change through the cumulative impact of their art and visual messaging. Students illustrate the impacts humans have on animals and their habitats in books and magazines; photography students capture melting ice caps, floods, or wildfires; map-makers use GIS and Adobe to accurately and aesthetically depict what is in our oceans and how they’re evolving; sculptors design with recycled materials.



In the field of healthcare, proficiency in emerging technologies is in demand. 因此, STEAM students receive the necessary education to be qualified nurses and train using simulation, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, 3D anatomy tables, and cyber 为新一波专家卫生系统做好准备.


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桔多琪Future制造商这是伊恩·里维拉,电气工程 & 音乐

Meet Ian Rivera, a passionate double major in electrical engineering and music at 杰克逊维尔大学. Ian分享了他的旅程,展示了他对音乐的热爱 and expertise in electrical engineering merge to address real-world problems and inspire 他的社区. 未来是由投资的人创造的. 建设美好明天 是杰克逊维尔大学做的吗. 全球网络赌博平台今天的投资将决定结果 明天的. Together, we'll propel the next generation of future makers, like Ian. 从今天开始. 一切从你开始. 学习如何做出改变: http://na0.afroradionetwork.com/futuremade/


伊恩·里维拉,电气工程 & 音乐

My name is Ian Rivera I'm a Double Major in Electrical Engineering in 音乐 at Jacksonville 大学.

I believe music does make me a better problem solver, you're doing a lot of calculations 如何弹奏某些音符. 你必须在不同的 分数. That can be applied to engineering because you constantly have to make cross references between different subjects in order to eventually arrive at the final product.

I chose JU because they had Electrical Engineering and a 音乐 program that I liked. I was like: this has to be the best option because I'm able to do both things at the 同一时间.

My professor Dr Lockwood, when I talked about my interest in music and I really wanted 成为JU的一员. Now, when I told her I also wanted to do Engineering she believed 这是可能的.

I currently play the Cello for the 杰克逊维尔大学 Orchestra. 我母亲是 一个横笛吹奏者. She has a Master's of 音乐 and she really made sure that music was present 在我的生命中. My parents got me a cello when I was around third grade and then ever 因为我太喜欢它了.

我一生中大部分时间都在从事音乐教育. 我对工程的热情 started at a young age I used to dismantle everything because I really wanted to know 它是如何工作的.

My father he did a lot of soldering work when he was younger, so when I showed interest in soldering, in electronics, he really showed me how to do it and that practice has translated to JU and helping me in the engineering department helping as a teacher's assistant and being able to help other students with solder work and also electronic 工作也一样.

STEAM学院最近刚刚开业,非常棒! 它有很多实验室 that helps Engineers really come together as a group and come up with nice little 解决问题的方法. STEAM学院确实为许多其他学校树立了标杆 and really trying to cultivate problem solving because now we have graphic designers 和全球网络赌博平台在同一个教室.

So, when I graduate, I hope to be able to pursue a Masters in 音乐 and eventually when I finish my music education I would like to go back for a Master's in Engineering.

我相信JU让我成为了一个终身学习者. 我还没学完,因为我 拿一张纸.



“There’s no such thing as resting on your laurels in cybersecurity. 我可以 deploy yesterday could already be compromised by the following day. 你必须做出 确保您的系统保持其完整性.”

Keason DrawdyEmtec高级网络安全解决方案顾问


连接物理和虚拟世界 先进的技术

The 蒸汽研究所 houses technologies to engage the mind, ignite the imagination, 激励全球网络赌博平台学生的未来. STEAM专注于连接物理和 virtual worlds through engaged learning spaces that leverage advanced technologies.

The first floor of STEAM focuses on two-dimensional investigations of these transitory worlds, highlighted by a real-time Cyber Security Simulation Range, a Financial Technologies Laboratory that leverages Data Science, Geographical Informational Systems, and a U/X设计工作室. The second floor expands into three-dimensional research, highlighted by a high-tech immersive learning studio, a robotics makerspace, a virtual creative 内容工作室,以及压缩3D打印设备. 


30000万平方英尺 高触屏技术



  • 比尔•希尔 执行董事
  • Dr. 鲍勃•Boylan 会计学、金融学系主任 & 经济学
  • Dr. 丹尼尔•弗朗茨 数学系系主任
  • Dr. 阿什利·约翰逊, 地理学系系主任
  • 埃里克•Kunzendorf 媒体艺术系系主任
  • 蒂芙尼浸出, 视觉艺术系系主任
  • Dr. 琥珀桑托斯 Assistant Professor of Nursing; Director of Innovation and Quality
  • Dr. 埃姆雷Selvi, 工程学院院长 & 技术
  • Dr. 迷你曾, 计算机科学系系主任



电子邮件: whill@afroradionetwork.com