服务学习 教师关注的焦点, February 2019

作者: Dr. 劳拉·C. 阿特金斯, Assistant Professor of Sociology & 主任 的服务培训

It fills me with gratitude to have celebrated 10 years as 杰克逊维尔大学’s 主任 的服务培训. In December 2008, as I drove out of snowy Chicago headed to sunny Florida, I never could have imagined the many prospects ahead. I am continually grateful for this professional opportunity at 杰克逊维尔大学- bringing a greater focus to academic service-learning, implementing unique service-learning opportunities and working with so many dedicated 学生及同事.

I am continually appreciative of our community of engaged faculty who regularly offer service-learning courses in disciplines such as biology, computer science, education, English, music, sociology, and sustainability. I am grateful that they are passionately committed to meeting community needs and addressing social justice issues. 他们的服务培训 classes help improve the environment, mentor and educate youth and provide music to 社区. We are always seeking more faculty to join us for professional development opportunities to develop new courses and design research projects in the scholarship 教与学的关系.

SLP 教师 and 工作人员 Picture

的服务培训教师 & 工作人员. 左起:博士. 劳拉·C. 阿特金斯,女士. Lyndsey肯尼迪 辛普森,教授. 罗伯特·杜教授. 拉娜·海洛克教授. 谢莉·格兰特博士. 科琳 威尔逊.

And I am grateful each day for the opportunity to merge service-learning into my own work as an Assistant Professor of Sociology. It is professionally rewarding to see students opening their eyes to the meaningful ways they can address social issues 通过服务. It warms my heart to watch my sociology & 可持续发展的学生 serving with 阿灵顿社区花园 at Tree Hill Nature Center. 这种伙伴关系 provides students a chance to learn about sustainable food systems and food deserts while providing healthy foods to local families. And it brings a smile to my face knowing that my Leadership Practicum service-learning class plays a key role in JU’s 租船服务日. These students lead dozens of projects to serve the local 阿灵顿社区. This class was designed to be accessible to students in all majors to fulfill the University’s experiential learning graduation requirement.

I am filled with gratitude that JU’s service-learning courses are clearly a hit with our very motivated and engaged students. Each year about 350 JU students commit themselves to service-learning courses. When the semester experience is done, many eagerly inquire about additional service-learning courses and service-learning independent studies to continue their community work. And each year I am grateful to recognize the approximately 20 graduating students who go above and beyond to earn the 9 credit hour 的服务培训 证书. It is such an uplifting day when we honor them at the spring service-learning reception and bestow their graduation honor cords.

Dr. 阿特金斯 in garden with two students

阿灵顿社区花园. From Left: JU sociology major Tosin Aribatise, Dr. 劳拉 C. 阿特金斯, and JU marine science major & sustainability minor Malyssa Peabody.

And I am thankful to have Florida Campus Compact (FLCC) as a resource. 这个组织 provides support for service-learning professionals. I appreciate their continued reciprocity as they share ideas to enrich JU’s service-learning program while welcoming me to share creative service-learning insights with colleagues throughout the State. I am thankful for FLCC’s recognition of my work - selecting me for their Engaged Scholarship Fellowship in 2012 and recognizing me with the Community Engagement Educator Award in 2018.

I am grateful and excited for the opportunity to expand awareness about the reach and impact of 杰克逊维尔大学’s 的服务培训 Program. 关注全球网络赌博平台的 新Instagram @JUServiceLearning for regular insights about service-learning courses, community partners, student learning, and exciting program developments. I also welcome you to stop by our new office location in Gooding 109.

Thank you for this opportunity to serve.