Pursue a Nursing Career16-Month Accelerated BSN


Earn a second bachelor's degreeLaunch your career in just 16 months.

你是否已经获得了副学士或学士学位,现在想开始学习 a career in nursing? 杰克逊维尔大学(JU)独特的加速学士学位 护理科学(BSN)课程将为您在更短的时间内开始护理生涯做好准备 than two years. 本课程的毕业生具备相应的知识和技能 必须在护理领域取得成功,并离开程序做好准备 他们的职业变化得尽可能快和有效.

杰克逊维尔大学16个月的护理学加速学士学位课程 现在接受大专学历的申请吗. Please refer to the admissions requirements below for more information.


Virtual information session

与会者将有机会与项目主管和顾问会面并提问 questions about our curriculum and admissions process.


Scholarship Opportunity

在杰克逊维尔大学,全球网络赌博平台相信让高质量的教育负担得起. 以下奖学金将提供给杰克逊维尔16个月的学生 ABSN program:

  • JU & 布鲁克斯康复护理优秀奖学金-颁发时,每个人都接受 student will receive $10,000 in exchange for 以目前的市场价格与布鲁克斯康复中心签订了为期18个月的工作承诺 Hospital or Halifax CIR. 为了申请这项奖学金,你必须被录取 student who has deposited for the upcoming year. 
  • JU ABSN优秀奖学金-每个被录取的JU ABSN杰克逊维尔学生都将被考虑 to receive the scholarship. No additional application needed.

Are You Ready For Your Career Change?

无论你拥有什么样的学士学位,全球网络赌博平台都会为你提供相应的技能 你将需要迅速改变你的职业道路到护理.

你不仅会受益于全球网络赌博平台专业教师的知识和经验, 但全球网络赌博平台会为你提供一位学术顾问,他会在那里帮助你 step of the way.

$77,600Average salary of a registered nurse, per U.S. Bureau of Labor & Statistics
16 months在不到两年的时间里完成你的学位并开始你的职业生涯
90 - 100%保持JU护理专业学生首次NCLEX通过率的平均水平

The Jacksonville University advantageWhy Choose Our Program?

JU在提供备受推崇的护理课程方面拥有超过20年的经验 学生开始他们的护理事业所需的能力取得成功.

Our program:

  • 从一月份开始,只需要16个月就能完成
  • 聘请具有各种医疗保健专业知识的JU教师供学生学习
  • 让学生成功地平衡他们的课程和个人生活

Eligibility & RequirementsIs this the program for you?

如果你已经获得了副学士或学士学位,并想继续深造 杰克逊维尔大学凯温护理学院为你提供了一份护理职业 有机会在16个月内完成护理学位 nursing program.


Minimum Qualifications

为了被考虑参加16个月的BSN加速项目,您必须满足所有要求 of the following criteria:

  • 地区认可院校颁发的副学士或学士学位*
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 on a 4.00 scale
  • 在地区认可机构*以“C”或更高成绩完成的先决课程
    • Human Anatomy & 生理学I(含近10年内修过的实验)(4学分)
    • Human Anatomy & 生理学II(含近10年内修过的实验)(4学分)
    • General Chemistry with lab (4 credits)
    • Microbiology with lab (4 credits)
    • Nutrition (3 credits)
    • Human Growth & Development (3 credits)
    • Statistics (3 credits)

These are our minimum qualifications. 满足这些要求并不能保证被录取.

*您可以申请正在攻读的学位和/或尚未完成的先决条件. However, they must be completed by the program start date.




  • Submit an online application. Start your application.
  • 所有以前就读院校的非正式成绩单. 每所就读的院校都需要一份单独的成绩单. Unofficial transcripts 可以在申请中上传还是在提交后上传.
  • 当前或未来在任何未完成的先决条件入学证明. 他们必须在一个地区认可的机构,并安排完成 before the program starts.
  • Short-answer writing sample. You must answer three prompts. There is a 200-word limit for each prompt. This component is found within the online application; you will not receive a separate link.
  • One-way recorded virtual interview. This can be done from anywhere! The questions will be presented to you at the time of recording. You will have 10 minutes to respond to five questions. This component is found within the online application; you will not receive a separate link.

There is no application deadline. 申请将继续以滚动方式考虑,直到队列 is filled.




  1. Cumulative GPA
  2. Prerequisite GPA
  3. Writing sample
  4. Virtual interview



全球网络赌博平台为期16个月的项目提供春季入学学期,重点是重症监护. Students 每周四天参加校内课程,一天参加门诊 week. 然而,在高年级暑假期间,学生们被要求参加第二诊所 days a week. This program does not offer evening or online classes.

Our programs are 'lock-step.“一个固定步骤的课程要求所有学生完成 a set curriculum in a specified sequence. This also requires that students successfully complete each course in order to progress. Because of this, programs cannot be completed in less time than outlined. 

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions 有关全球网络赌博平台项目课程的更多信息.

16-month Accelerated BSN Progression Plan


Helpful Links

Frequently Asked Questions

Accelerated BSN Program Cost

Student Financial Services - Once Accepted

FAFSA Application - Federal Student Aid

Request Information


Contact Information Keigwin School of Nursing

Phone: (904) 256-7000
Email: graduateadmissions@afroradionetwork.com

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